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Jun 6, 2012 | 3:04 AM | 0 Atasinchi

. . . i need someone to let me cry on his shoulder . . . i'm sad , so sad . Always thinking what is wrong with my dad . Honestly , i really need you now F , yes :'( I can't cry in front my mom ,  I don't like anyone to see me cry , except you . you are the only who can see me cry , my emotional side :'(

Abah , you've been one of the greatest person in the whole world . since the day that i was born you were there to support Mama  . you were a proud daddy to me . thankyou for teaching me the values of life the importance of life . FOR TEACHING ME ABOUT GOD . i know that there were days that we didn't understand each other i know that you never keep any bad things . Abah , i know that i'm not a perfect daughter , sometimes im naughty , degil , keraskepala , tak dengar cakap . etc etc  . but i salute you still for your big patience . no one is perfect you know . so are you abah . but you are the best dad for me . yes you are . hm ,  you are one of the people who has always been there for me , one who has always loved , cared , and provided for me .  you are one of the two most important people in the world to me . Someone i love with all my heart . You are my super hero , my superman , but most importantly you are  my . . ABAH ! 

Additional Notes - Abah ,  jangan la sakit , tengok abah sakit macam ni dira sedih , sedih sangat :'( I hate seeing you sick . Will you please get well soon , please ? ah ? :'( Dira tahan je airmata ni dari jatuh mengalir bila berdepan dengan abah , dira tak sanggaup tengok abah macam tu , abah kuat , abah boleh sihat balik , ye dira yakin :'( God , please help me , i don't wanna see my dad sick , let me sick lah !  don't give him sick , pain or benda yang menyakitkan . Oh Lord , I beg you !  :'( Hm I pray that you gain back health , abah :'(  *to my father , who is in the hospital right now*
May 2, 2012 | 10:21 AM | 0 Atasinchi

Hello hi and Salam . Read this (!) :D 

( . . ) A first-grade teacher, Ms. Brooks, was having trouble with one of her students. The teacher asked, "Harry, what's your problem?"

Harry answered, "I'm too smart for the 1st grade. My sister is in the 3rd grade and I'm smarter than she is! I think I should be in the 3rd grade too!"

Ms. Brooks had had enough. She took Harry to the principal's office.

While Harry waited in the outer office, the teacher explained to the principal what the situation was. The principal told Ms. Brooks he would give the boy a test. If he failed to answer any of his questions he was to go back to the 1st grade and behave. She agreed.

Harry was brought in and the conditions were explained to him and he agreed to take the test.

Principal: "What is 3 x 3?"

Harry: "9."

Principal: "What is 6 x 6?"

Harry: "36."

And so it went with every question the principal thought a 3rd grader should know.

The principal looks at Ms. Brooks and tells her, "I think Harry can go to the 3rd grade"

Ms. Brooks says to the principal, "Let me ask him some questions."

The principal and Harry both agreed.

Ms. Brooks asks, "What does a cow have four of that I have only two of?"

Harry, after a moment: "Legs."

Ms. Brooks: "What is in your pants that you have but I do not have?"

The principal wondered why would she ask such a question!

Harry replied: "Pockets."

Ms. Brooks: "What does a dog do that a man steps into?"

Harry: "Pants."

Ms. Brooks: What starts with a C, ends with a T, is hairy, oval, delicious and contains thin, whitish liquid?"

Harry: "Coconut."

The principal sat forward with his mouth hanging open.

Ms. Brooks: "What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and sticky?"

The principal's eyes opened really wide and before he could stop the answer, Harry replied, "Bubble gum."

Ms. Brooks: "What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting down and a dog does on three legs?"

Harry: "Shake hands."

The principal was trembling.

Ms. Brooks: "What word starts with an 'F' and ends in 'K' that means a lot of heat and excitement?"

Harry: "Firetruck."

The principal breathed a sigh of relief and told the teacher, "Put Harry in the fifth-grade, I got the last seven questions wrong.

Apr 19, 2012 | 1:43 PM | 0 Atasinchi

Hi dan Assalamualaikum ,
Disini saya Siti Nur Adira ingin memberitahu anda semua , bahawa penyakit saya sudah datang , iaitu penyakit yang dikenali sebagai selsema *hidungberhingus*
Sekian , terima kasih .

It's late and I can't sleep -
Apr 6, 2012 | 9:57 AM | 0 Atasinchi

 Perlu ke aku buat gini bagai ? Tidak kan ? ishhh , aku tak sebodoh tu lagi lah -.-

Additional Notes : I'm sorry i wasn't everything you ever wanted :\
| 7:12 AM | 0 Atasinchi

Assalamualaikum , hello and hye , seriously memang lama dira tak update belog kan ? dira nak tapi perasaan malas tu yang buatkan dira hmmm . aha . Banyak yang nak diceritakan , tapi takpelah . Menda dah lepas . Taknak cerita a . 

Hesh ,  ni  aku nak cakap sikit ni , alam fake masih wujud dalam facebook ni kan ? rimas betul aku macam ni . Macam takde kerja lain la diaorang ni . Awakkk , even muka pecah sekali pun , jangan la guna or rembat gambar orang lain okay ? Learn to be yourself is better lah :) 

Well me and him , dah tiada apa apa hubungan , he hurt me more times than I can count . My heart was taken by you . broken by you . and now it is in pieces because of you . You hurt me more then I deserve, how can you be so cruel ? I love you more then you deserve , why am I such a fool ? You promised you’d never leave me , and that you’d always love me . You said that I was the only one for you and that you wouldn’t dream of hurting me . And you lied . So I want to say thank you . Thank you for teaching me that promises are meant to be broken . Hmm .

I spent all night thinking about how i did you wrong, and i started to cry. i cried for everytime we fought, everytime we didnt talk . i cried because i can’t imagine my life without you , without me waking up every morning with a text from you saying , good morning and i love you . amagining all that gone . i was hard broken , i couldn't stand it . i was angry , beating myself up , and that i’m sorry . .

Ahh enough Dira . Forget his name , forget his face . Forget his smile , his warm embrace . Forget him when they play your song , remember you cried all night long . Forget how close you two once were . 
Forget you memorized his walk . Forget the way he used to talk . Forget the things he used to say. Remember he has gone away . Forget his laugh , forget his grin . Forget the way he held you tight . Forget the times that went so fast , forget the love that now has passed . Forget he said he’ld NEVER leave you . Forget he said "In the name of Allah , i will never leave you again' Remember . He will never love you .

Additional Notes : If hes stupid enough to leave you, be smart enough to let him go ! *crying*
Jan 2, 2012 | 1:10 AM | 0 Atasinchi

This is what my expression when you talk about school . Literally im so fucking done with school's homeworks , with all those dramas from teachers and stuff . Like , ugh ? -.-  Seriously , I cant wait to jump my age to 18 next year . I wish I was seventeen haha . You know , some people loves school because there is where we can meet our boyfriend , girlfriends , but FOR ME , no hell no . School sucks ! SS . Fullstop. Do you agree ?

Additional Notes : SS ? Bukan Sultan Sulaiman okay ? Nanti ada la tu yang cakap aku hina sekolah dia . Fyi , bukan lah sayang sayang dan sayang . Now , dah naik form 4 . tapi belum secara rasmi nya 16teen . Sedih nak pergi sekolah tetapi gembira tu ada . Sebabnya , kawan la weh ! hahaha -.- Act aku dah janji nak belajar betul-betul tahun ni . Nak kena hadap SPM pula kan 2013 . And mahu buat mama abah aku bangga kali ni . Amin . 

Hm hm . tapelah aku nak menonjolkan sedikit rasa gembira aku juga . *Yeay yeah esok sekoloh mula :D* Heh , yang dah tak bersekolah tu jangan nak memerli sangat okay . Jealous ke apa awak semua ni ? Maklum la dah tak dapat rasa suasana pergi beli pakaian sekolah lagi kan . Ugh -.- Duk sibuk sana sini menanya dah beli ke belum barang sekolah . Nak belanja la , apa la . Satu yang keluar dari mulut dan tangan awak semua pun langsung tak terbukti . Alaaaaa talktomuch la korang . cis ! haha

Dec 23, 2011 | 5:40 PM | 0 Atasinchi
Today aku rasa nak menangis , semalam pun seharian dah aku duk nangis . Kalau boleh dalam hujan supaya orang tak nampak yang aku sedang menangis . Yelah , kalau aku menangis dalam bilik pun orang tak nampak juga sebenarnya . heee *sukasikit* Hmm kenapa aku rasa hati aku kosong sangat sekaraNg ? Kenapa aku rasa aku benci semua orang ? Kenapa aku rasa mcm nak peluk seseorang dan menangis sepuas puas hati aku ? Kenapa Tuhan kenapa ? Semua orang tak sayang aku lagi dah kan ? :’(

I'm done with tears . I'm wiping my eyes . If he doesn't care then why the hell should  I ? Fhm ? tak fhm pergi mati gi .

#Ketika post entry ni , sejuk ja tangan dan kaki aku . Macam nak beku . Demam barangkali . Yeay thanks God :(

Dec 22, 2011 | 5:08 AM | 0 Atasinchi

result ? oh okay laa . Tok mu okay -.- hmm . Serious , aku betul betul sedih harini , aku tak boleh nak membanggakan parents aku ngan result PMR . Aku punya la nak sangat tengok result aku macam mana . Pukul 7.50 pagi lagi aku dah bangun tahu . Dengan keadaan berdebar , gementar . sampai sakit je dada ni rasa . Then , pukul 8lebih aku pergi mandi , siap siap apa . Aku pun turun  gi kat mama . Act kakak pun ada sekali , bersiap nak gi kerja*first time* Ahh tak kesah la dia -.-

 Bila aku dah turun duk kat mama . Mama tanya "nak gi mana awal awal camni ?" aku cakap la , "nak gi kerja , ikut kakak" Sebenarnya tak pun  . cuma bergurau mesra ngn mama hehe . Aku cakap balik kat ma "nak pergi ambil result la apa lagi . Hmm mama senyum je . Aku pun membalas balik senyuman mama .

Pukul 10 . Aku ajak abah nak gi sekolah . Beria-ria je aku . Sampai sekolah , turun kereta . tengok sekeliling , nah ! kawan aku pun tak sampai lagi . Abah pun tinggal je aku kat sekolah , dia cakap nak gi bandar jap dan japgi datang balik . Aku pun okay jelah . Nampak je sekumpulan duk lepak dari jauh . Aku cuba melangkah pergi ke arah dorang . Serious memang aku tak cam . Last last ada dua orang makhluk Tuhan  ni duk lambai lambai je dkt aku . Aku pun lambai jelah balik , haha . dari jauh aku tanya "Sape ho ?" Makin aku melangkah , rupa-rupa si kembar haha . Member aku la juga tapi takde la rapat sangat . Blabladanbla . . 

Ringkaskan cerita - Lepas je aku dapat result tu . Aku diam . Teruk . Teruk sangat . bukan bermaksud aku ada yang Gagal . tu takdelah . Tapi memang aku tak menyangka result aku macam ni . Guru kelas aku pun tak sangka je result aku macam ni . Memang aku tak nangis tapi sebak tu aku terasa , macam nak bernafas pun tak boleh . 

Balik je rumah  , tak henti henti airmata membasahi pipi aku . Aku letih , penat , macam dah takde tenaga . Aku takut nak hadap slip keputusan tu . Aku baring , tengok phone . Member member duk tanya result aku . Aku malu , malu gila nak bagitahu dorang . Yang aku text pun si F  je . Dengan dia pun berat je mulut aku nak cakap . Hmmm . tapi aku dah janji , so aku kena juga cakap kat dia . I know you're shocked b . I'm Sorry . Tapi apa yang awak cakap , pmr bukan segala segalanya . Spm yang penting . terima kasih sebab memahami sy . terima kasih dah bagi sy semangat balik . Thankyousomuch .

Sebenarnya aku teringat kata kata ibu izyan *ibu kawan baik aku* form 1 form 2 duk buat onar je , tu yang result camni . Ya betul la tu Aunty . Hm naik form 3 pun aku ada prob . Last minit baru nak usaha . Main main je banyak .

Additional Notes : Dira janji ngn mama abah , naik form4 , dira usaha betul betul . Maaf dah buat mama abah kecewa . Ya tahu yang mama abah dah fedup ngan dira . Betul betul minta maaf :'( Mama Abah . ILOVEYOU .


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Mama& Abah.